Our Mission

To grow Ontario’s Angel investing ecosystem to build prosperity, create jobs and strengthen communities.

Invest. Build. Together

Angel Investors Ontario convenes Ontario’s Angel investors, who provide capital and mentorship to innovative start-ups province-wide.

Angel Investors Ontario supports 17 non-profit Angel groups and investment clubs across the province. Angel Investors Ontario fosters Angel groups’ success by sharing information and education tools, transferring best practices across the network. Over the past 15 years, through the groups and clubs that it mobilizes and supports, Angel Investors Ontario has enabled over $800 million dollars to be invested into over 800 high-potential early-stage ventures, in turn creating and retaining over 15,000 jobs.

Since its inception, Angel Investors Ontario has built a robust network of over 2000 investors across the province. While the network continues to stand behind its original task of creating and growing non-profit Angel investor groups for all regions of Ontario, it has since expanded upon this to include establishing new ways to convene Angel’s province-wide, with special investment events and virtual programs, making it easier for Angels to syndicate deals. This increased efficiency of deal flow directly contributes to the network’s mission: To grow Ontario’s Angel investing ecosystem, to build prosperity, to create jobs and to strengthen communities.

Our Team

Mark Lawrence

Executive Chair

Kate Tomen

VP, Business Development and Operations

Pallavi Jain

Program Manager

Egle Budreikaite

Marketing and Social Media Consultant

Maggy Libarian

Finance Manager

Jeffrey Steiner

Senior Advisor

Our Board

Mark Lawrence

Executive Chair

Parm Gill

Vice Chair

Blake Witkin


Dr. Lubna Tirmizi


Michael Nobrega


Krista LaRiviere


Hiten Makim


Krista LaRiviere


Industry Partners & Ecosystem Participants

Angel Investors Ontario is proud to work with its partners in an effort to strengthen the province’s start-up ecosystem.


Through companies I have co-founded, I have received funds from or met with Southwestern Ontario Angel Group, Golden Triangle Angel Network, Niagara Angel Network, Angel One Investor Network, York Angel Investors, and Maple Leaf Angels.These groups have been a huge benefit to capitalizing innovation in Ontario. Please keep up the great work in supporting them.
Mark D. Kershey, Magnitude Partners Inc.
I initially embarked into Angel investing to complement my investment portfolio with private equity. Trying to do this on my own was a complete disaster and very time-consuming – given the complexities associated with deal structure and performing the requisite due diligence. Ever since I joined ranks with Angel groups (York Angel Investors and Angel One Investor Network), the process has become far more enjoyable and integral. I now have over 100 fellow Angels from all walks of life who can weigh in and bring a substantial external network to assist in both the investment process and helping our investee companies execute better. The encouragement of Angel investing in Ontario will go far to spur innovation in our province.
TJ Machado, Angel Investor
Innovation and the companies that are the catalysts for this innovation are changing at a quicker rate than at any other time in recent history. As a result, Angels, Micro-VCs, Accelerators and other investors in this ecosystem must keep up with this rapid rate of change. Organizations such as Angel Investors Ontario provide a platform for education, best practices, and resources to ensure their members are provided with the most relevant thought leadership on investing in early and growth stage companies. Governments and their agencies understand that these start-ups are a significant job creators for the economy and, by funding Angel Investors Ontario and, in turn, Angel groups, they ensure tools are in place for this continued job growth.
Gerard Buckley, Founder & CEO, Jaguar Capital 
Angel Investors Ontario has not only been instrumental in the creation of Angel groups in Ontario, providing ongoing operational support, but has also led to the establishment of a provincial network of Angel groups that are critical for the ongoing success of the Southwestern Ontario Angel Group (SWOAG). We rely on the network for deal syndication, access to expertise, review of best practices, and the testing of innovative deal structures. Our submitting companies also recognize the strength of the network and the support it provides to them in simplifying the investment process.
Carmen S. Gicante, Board Chair, SWOAG
Once a month for the past year, I have connected with other Angels in the Ottawa region over breakfast, while entrepreneurs pitch their businesses. As an Angel investor and active member of the Capital Angel Network (CAN), I recognize the power in numbers. Investing with others has been critical to completing rounds of financing for three CAN portfolio companies. As a team, we were able to reduce risk and bridge gaps in the start-ups’ management team. The value Angel investors offer start-ups multiplies from both a financing and mentorship perspective when provided through a shared network.
Hicham Adra, President, Ardan Fitzroy Enterprises INC.
During a Capital Angel Network (CAN) investment meeting, I shared a challenge my business faced with a fellow CAN Angel investor. As it turned out, he knew many of my potential customers, introduced me to them, suggested solutions, and expedited my time to market. Having a forum of Angels that entrepreneurs can access and collaborate with is a convenience I wish were afforded when I first started out. After investing in start-ups for over ten years on my own, joining a group opened a door to a community of like-minded individuals who share my passion to help grow industry in Canada. Having the opportunity to convene with Angels from various backgrounds and critically think together over business ideas is valuable to both Angels and entrepreneurs.
Birket Foster, CEO, M. B. Foster Associates Limited